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DC-047-4 Process: Single-layer laminating, Thickness: 5 mm clear glass float, Use: Adhere to the wall, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 480 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
DC-053-5 Process: Single-layer laminating, Thickness: 5 mm ultra-white float, Use: Wall attachment, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 380 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
Dc-053-7 Process: Single-layer laminating, Thickness: 5 mm ultra-white float, Use: Wall attachment, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 280 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
JS-G132 Process: Embossed wire, Thickness: 5 mm + 5 mm, Use: Wall attachment, Maximum size : 2420 * 1500 price 480 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 30 yuan / piece
KQ-G02 Process: Baking paint process, Thickness: 5 mm, Use: Stick to the wall, Maximum size: 3000 * 1180 price 180 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
Potion sand grey mirror Process: Potion sand process, Thickness: 5 mm, Use: Wall-mounted, Maximum size: 3000 * 1500 price 280 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 30 yuan / piece
DC-053-6 Process: Single-layer laminated, Thickness: 5 mm Ultra-white float, Use: Wall-mounted, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 280 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
DC-G04 Process: Single-layer laminated, Thickness: 5 mm ultra-white float, Use: Adhere to the wall, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 380 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
DC-G05 Process: Single-layer laminating, Thickness: 5 mm Ultra-white float, Use: Stick to the wall, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 280 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
DC-G05-1 Process: Single-layer laminated, Thickness: 5 mm Ultra-white float, Use: Wall-mounted, Maximum size: 2420 * 1180 price 280 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 20 yuan / piece
EX-G140 Process: Potion sand glue, Thickness: 5 mm + 5 mm, Use: Partition, Maximum size: 3000 * 1500 price 650 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 30 yuan / piece
JM-010-1 Process: Film lamination, Thickness: 5 mm + 5 mm, Use: Partition, Maximum size: 6500 * 1500 price 580 yuan / ㎡, Sample price: 50 yuan / sheet
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